School system and
The New Zealand school system gives students the skills and qualifications to succeed anywhere in the world.
The flexible, supportive learning environment helps build the confidence and independence needed to excel in further study.

Primary schools
(ages 5-10, years 1 – 6)
Primary school students study subjects guided by the New Zealand National Curriculum: English, the arts, health and physical education, languages, mathematics and statistics, science, social sciences and technology. Students’ abilities in reading, writing and maths are regularly assessed against expectations for their age level, as set out by New Zealand’s National Standards

Intermediate schools
(ages 11-12, years 7-8)
Intermediate schools are a bridge between primary school and secondary school. Primary education starts at Year 1 and continues through to Year 8. Years 7 and 8 are offered either at a primary school or at a separate intermediate school.

Secondary schools
(ages 13-18, years 9-13)
Students at secondary schools – also known as high schools or colleges – work towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Secondary schools also offer some vocational subjects, such as tourism and computing. Some schools also offer Cambridge International Examinations and International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes. How NCEA works
There are different types of schools in New Zealand, including:
- State Schools (government public)
- Faith-based schools (e.g. Catholic or Islamic schools) which are state-integrated schools
- Non-government (private or independent) schools
- Schools that cater for students with special needs
- Schools that cater for different age groups and study levels (e.g. primary schools and high schools)
" New Zealand has a good education foundation together with encouraging the student to think and be proactive, which will make them a better adult in the future. "
Brumi Bhatara Wongsoontorn from Thailand, father of two students at secondary school in New Zealand.
School qualifications
Secondary schools offer a great range of qualifications that are accepted by universities in New Zealand and around the world.
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)
When completing senior secondary school (Years 11-13), students sit for exams, receive an official certificate of senior secondary qualification and receive a score. The score indicates the ranking of a student’s academic results in relation to others in their year group. The NCEA score is used by universities for entry into higher education courses. Student achievement is assessed through a mixture of project work and exams. Assessments are either internal (set by the school) or external (set by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority). Find out more about the NCEA
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Approximately 25 New Zealand schools offer the IB, an internationally recognised school curriculum taught in 140 countries.The IB program is designed to help students become independent and critical thinkers, effective communicators and active global citizens.
The Cambridge Examinations
Approximately 40 New Zealand secondary schools offer this qualification. It can be attained at 3 levels in either year 11, 12 or 13, and uses a range of assessment methods with the emphasis on external exams.
Global Peace Index
New Zealand is racked the third most peaceful country in the world (Vision of Humanity).
Preparing students for the future
New Zealand is racked the #1 English-speaking country in the world in preparing students for the future (Economist Intelligence Unit).
Highest performing graduates
New Zealand is racks 7th for highest performing graduates – ahead of the US, Canada and England (OECD Skill Surveys).
New Zealand was the first country to introduce a code of practice to ensure international students are well informed, safe and properly cared for.
Personal growth and
Studying in New Zealand helps build confidence and independence so your child can reach their full potential.
Your son or daughter can experience another culture, have new adventures and make lifelong friendships in one of the world’s most beautiful natural environments.
" Learning in New Zealand is not just from books. It’s very important for children to experience the real world, not just study knowledge. "
Huang Jing from China, mother of seven-year-old Yang Fengting

A secure environment
New Zealand is ranked one of the most peaceful and least corrupt countries in the world.
Homestays welcome students into a Kiwi family, while education providers provide pastoral care to help students feel happy and well-supported.
Still have questions?
What level of English does my child need to study in New Zealand?
Most schools welcome students with all levels of English and many also offer English language classes. The school will likely assess your child’s English language level and offer the required support.
Universities and higher education providers specify English language requirements for each programme. Check for details on their website.
How easy is it to make friends in New Zealand?
New Zealand is welcoming of people from different cultures and backgrounds and is one of the friendliest places you can choose for your studies.
One of the best ways for your child to make friends and meet Kiwis is to get involved in student clubs and extra-curricular events and activities.
What is it like to live in a homestay?
With a homestay, your child lives with a New Zealand family in their home, usually in their own fully furnished room. They’ll provide your child with meals and help them to settle in to day-to-day life in New Zealand.